Good Morning Hawaii



Here we are, approaching Hawaii on the 23rd day of our cruise. It is really rough with 30+ ft. waves, making it difficult to walk without holding onto something and many are experiencing small cuts and bruises as they bump into objects trying to navigate their way around. I pity the poor dining room staff who have to contend with flying trays while serving our soups…and wines. This gives us  an idea of what’s to come if our itinerary forces us to go around the Cape of Good Hope‘s rough seas instead of the calmer Suez canal.


So far we’ve had Sixteen sea days and 7 port days. I prefer the lazy sea days and their interesting activities and think of them as relaxing and less hectic than exciting port excursions. Most of us have developed routines and tend to interact with the same individuals frequently. As you know, I play bridge on all sea days. There are beginner and intermediate classes as well as an ACBL sanctioned game with about seven tables. I recently achieved my highest score ever – 79.5% and scored another 70%+ the following day. A rare feat!


We visited both Kauai and Honolulu, and they changed significantly since I have been there in the early 80’s. Kauai retains all of its beauty and is the land of fruits and animals, whereas Honolulu has matured into a thoroughly modem clean and beautiful city. Pictures are worth a 1000 words.


Our next destination, Tahiti and French Polynesia is 5 sea days away and as promised, I will only update interesting or significant events, so I’m not expecting much activity.